Net Zero Homes

Advantages of a Net Zero Home

Combat Climate Change

The combination of design, building techniques, and technologies that go into a zero energy home all result in a home that produces net zero carbon emissions. That means that your home is not contributing to climate change.

Lower Cost of Homeownership

A zero energy home has no energy bills, other than a small monthly hook-up fee, so from day one your home costs less to
own than a similar standard home. That’s money that can go back in your pocket every month instead of going to the utility

Be Healthier

Zero energy homes are constructed with non-toxic finishes, materials and surfaces, and utilize advanced fresh air systems. The
result is a healthier home to live in.

Own a More Durable Home

The building techniques and materials used in zero energy homes are more durable than those used in standard homes so
they last longer and require less upkeep.

Let More Sunshine In

Zero energy homes are designed and built using passive solar design principles, making the most of natural daylight and
filling your home with warm, inviting sunshine.

Pioneer the Future

With a zero energy home, you can feel good knowing that you are leading the way to a better future for our world and for
your family. Be on the cutting-edge of home design, technology, energy efficiency, and sustainability. Buy the home of the
future – today